Şu hata veriyor. Sebebi ise WHERE kısmında OR yapılması
SELECT *FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES tablesLEFT JOIN GSRSYS_TABLE_DICT td ON tables.table_name = td.nameWHERE (tables.table_name LIKE 'GSR%' OR tables.table_name LIKE 'RW50%') AND tables.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'ORDER BY td.display_name
Şöyle yaparız
SELECT *FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES tablesLEFT JOIN GSRSYS_TABLE_DICT td ON tables.table_name = td.nameWHERE tables.table_name LIKE 'GSR%' AND tables.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'ORDER BY td.display_name
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